
Adulterer's Alibi

You said...I said...he/she/it did...
something different...
not better or worse...
just good...
knew how to work it...
knew just what to do...
knew me...
spoke not a word of you,
or what we did.
And, when in the morning with a stranger
I lay,
I fell no remorse.
No I love you's or Call me's
just lying still...
independent breaths we take.

You said...I said...he/she/it says nothing...
as we hide from darkness and create...
we create...
You and I, we don't create anything now...
except tension in shoulders and backs,
that someone has to work out...
we create smooth spots then destroy them...
we defy rhythm...
we say goodbye...
You say "hello"
I say "hello"
and we just sit...
and sit...
and sit...
What's going on?
You said...I said...he/she/it never says forever...
never says I love you...
and never promises tomorrow...
it'll be different....
I'll change
we can start over again...
Get set!

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